The story of witches evokes a mixture of fascination and disgust, especially in light of the gruesome witch trials. From a historical perspective, the intention of those in power was to combat evil, but ironically, it resulted in further wickedness. This project explores these emotions and dilemmas through the metaphor of the egg, symbolizing the beginning of life. What kind of germ lies within the egg? Is it good or evil? Can an unborn life be inherently good or evil, or is it the world it encounters upon hatching that mirrors wickedness or goodness? By creating a space filled with eggs of various sizes and expressions - some dark and ravaged, others fragile and almost translucent - we investigate what incubates within. Is it something to protect, or something to protect ourselves from? Through an art installation featuring eggs made of different materials such as ceramic, plaster, and resin, we explore these questions and create a space, a madman's creation, that strikes a chord which will resonate in one's consciousness long after.
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